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Show 12 Scét. I. ACTS RELATING TO THE Cotonxes. Part I. parliament. I have bee-n the more particular in fiating- them, as apprehending that of all the pofi‘eflions acquired by ling- land, no other was acquired in a manner f0 much refembling the mode of our ac- 1'3 tives, partly by compacts with the natives. --So were the fettlements in Ireland. I know of no law, or received maxim, by which the power of the crown has been in this inflance abridged. And therefore whatever power the king could conflitu- qui-fitions in North America. Ireland can tionally exert over Ireland, the fame he ‘no more be called a 6072911902 than North could exert over America. America. Ireland was a 60/072}. The firft fettlements in America were yielded by W'hatever rights he could confiitntionally grant to Ireland, the fame he could grant to Amethe inhabitants to a fet of adventurers, fubrica. I do not now mean to pufh the pa- jeéts to the crown of England: the firlt rallel farther. The prefent qneltion is not fettlements in Ireland were yielded by the Whether he did aétually grant the fizz/16 pri- lawful proprietor, to a let of adventurers Inbjeéts to the crown of England. The fettlements in America were granted to the fettlers as already belonging to the king: thofe in Ireland were yielded by the fettlers to the king, and regranted by him. iCertain conditions were granted to the iirft adventurers in America; certain conditions vileges to the one as to the other. That quefiion will meet us in its proper place. \Vhat I contend for now is only this :--- That the terms on which the king got poll feliion of America, were fimilar to the terms on which he got polIeIlion of Ireland; that therefore if he had a conflitu~ tiunal right of conveying certain powers, were granted to the firft adventurers in Ireand granting certain exemptions to the fet~ land. The fettlements in America were tlers in Ireland, he had the fame confli- extended; partly by driving out the natutional right of conveyirig certain powers, Lives, and 2 |