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Show r12 ‘ ACTs RELATING Part II. Sect. II. TO THE COLnNIES. 113 fubjeél themfelves to the controul of their at the end of March 1630, and took the inferiors, and fearing to receive laws from. a country groaning under the perfecutions from which they were about to fly, they charter with them. infifled on the cul'tody of the charter, as the pledge of their fecurity. It can, 1 think, hardly be doubted, but that fuch a transfer of the charter was 271e- gal ; for, according to the terms of the charter, the governor, deputy- governor, and aflifiants were to relide and hold their courts in England. By what legal power then could the charter be transferred to a governor, deputy-governor, and afliftants, who were to refide and hold their courts in America? This difficulty was either not attended to, or over-ruled. A general allembly was called on the 29th of Oélober, 1629. A new governor, deputy-governor, and court of affifiants were chofen, out of fuch of the members as offered to go and fettle in A- merica. They failed from Southampton Elli Of that charter the following is an a- bridgment *: It begins by reciting the grant made by king James I. in 1020. " by which all the trait of land between forty and fortyeight degrees of northern latitude was granted to the Plymouth company 1. It then recites " that the council ef'tablifhed at Plymouth, had granted to Sir Henry Rofewell, and others, that part of the Premifes, which is now called Mafia- CllUfCt,3 b-v. This lafl: grant the charter confirms; 3113' qs if for greater fecurity, re-grants the fame "(is afi‘efh directly from the king, Wlth the m" refervation gold to his majef'ty of the fifth part ot cu or filver ore. or Mr. * This charter is printed at the end MafiaehuMauduit's Short View of the Hillory of fet's Bay. ge1- This charter was explanatory of the firl'r . above neral charter of Virginia, cited I The ' \"w |