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Show 286 AcTs RELATING Part II. 825}. Xi. TO THE Cotoriias. 287 lonies, this bulinefs was left by the noble " face one of the ahleil, and not melt marquis as he found it. On the conelufion of the Spanilh buli- " lerupulous oppolitions :" and what is nefs, the noble marquis turned himfelf to " ham in the face: the confideration of the third of thefc ob- jects, the {lamp aét. And " after weigh" ing the matter as its difficulties and int" portance required," determined on the repeal of it. And here it is, that the panegyril'c of this miniltry puts forth the full {trength of his amazing powers.---" A " partial repeal, a modification, might 6‘ fhook, heave more than that, " even looking lord ChatWhill't earth below above menaced, and all " the elements of minifterial afety were " difiblved ;"--they {Ought ; they con" quered: they preferved the authority "‘ of Great Britain; they preferved the ‘ equity of Great Britain: they made the " declaratory a'Et ; they repealed the Ramp 5;. "JG. *6 3' 0.", " have lhtisiied a timid, unlyftematic, pro- My bofinn burned within me as I lillen- " crafiinating minill'ry : " but the noble ed to the orator,--" involuntary burl): of lord, and his friends, were not actuated. "gratitude and tranfport," broke from " by a weak and undecided mind :--by a. ‘5 majority that will redeem all af'rs ever me, I wondered only how the authority " done by majorities in parliament, in the " " " " " F‘ teeth of all the old mercenary Swils, in defiance of the whole embattled legion of veteran penlioners ;--fieadily looking in the face that glaring and daz- zling influence, at which the eyes of eagles oft blenched; looking in the 7 " face of Great h‘itain, having been thus miravloully fm/érwd, {hould all at once be lq/i‘ again. I turned to the fiatute book: lfound the repealing a& as full as words could make it. I examined the declaratory afi, *5 3:1: Speech from p. 60 top. 66. |