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Show 338 ACTS RELATING Part III. Yet a petition from the major part of the Seft. H. To THE COLONIES; 339 folve itfelf into a committee, in order to take the lat): American ail into confident- council of Maflachufet's Bay was near being rejected", becaufe it was not pafl‘ed in a. tion‘. legal aflembly of the council ; though the pave the way to a repeal of the act. The delign was, as it fecmcd, to But diffolution of the general court rendered it i-mpoflible to addrel‘s the houfe in their legillative capacity.--lt was at lal't received as a petition from the individuals who {igned it. But though couched in very his majefly thus addrefl‘es himfelf to his moderate terms, and glancing only ob- parliamenfit.---" The meafures which I had liquely at the want of conflitutional right in the parliament to lay internal taxes on the colonies, it was ordered to lie upon the table 9". A petition from the agent of Mafliachuv fet's Bay, and a reprefentation from the general allembly of New York, were of- fered to the houfe. But as thefe addrefl‘es direftly denied the right of taxing, they were with better reafon rejet‘led. "taken regarding the late unhappy dif- the motion was over-ruled '7‘": and in a man~ ner rather flighting, by calling for the or~ tier of the day. In the fpeech which clofed the fellions, l Towards the clofe ofthe fellio‘ns, a mo‘ "b ‘5- " turbances in North Ameuica‘, have been " already laid before you. They have " received your approbation, and your " have allured me of your firm fupport in " the profecution of them T." What approbation was due to the mea-é fures taken by his majef'ty, I pretend notto determine. But furely the meafures taken by parliament (luring this fellions afford not much fcope for panegyric. tion was made, that the houfe {hould rec ‘7‘ See Com. Journ. vol. xxxii. p, 136, 137. folve " See Com. Journ. Vol. xxxii. p. 421. 1' See ib. p, 453-. Zz ‘filfllfllfl fin. Iu-n . 17 . . |