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Show 304. ACTS. RELATING Part II. Se&.XI. TO THE CoLONI'Es. 305 commifiioners of the cuftorns in Eng- The diftinaftion between interim! and land. Thefe a615, moderate and conciliatory arm-ml! taxes, upon which the repeal of the {lamp act had been contended for, was as they appear, were received in America now abandoned. with the fame abhorrence and indignation ken as the Ramp act-The refiflance of the y taxes w/miwer on the colonies, was flatl and totally denied. The authority, nay the colonies againft the Ramp act was recalled to memory : was propofed as a pattern-- Thefucceji of that refil'tance is pointed out by the mol't popular of their leaders as an earnefi of like fuecel's, to a perfever- ance in a firnilar conduct *. At the fame time they are cautioully forewarned againfi A new ground was ta- The power of parliament to lay (my very words of Mr. Pitt, though acting with s the very minil'try who paired this obnoxiou de2161, were cited in fupport of this nial *3 In confequencc of the fpirit rather than the comthe letter of thefe infirué‘tions, {uttered to run its own lengthy, might have defeated its own purpofes. d under mifiioncrs of the cuftoms appointe en; their the act were infulted and beat tened. The houiies rifled; their lives threa ned {pecmagil'trates looked on as unconcer * See Farmer's Letter iii, p. 29. Do they (mean- it now ap- tators, refuling all allifiance i. the tea 3151: peared, that the fiamp act or that tumultuous fpirit which had accom- panied the lafi refil'rance, and wnich, if ing the advocates for acquiefcence) fays the author, " Do they condemn the conduct of thefe colonies, ‘t' concerning the flamp aft 9 or have they forgot its fuccei'sful iliue? ought the colonies at that: time, iryflnad cf (iii/Hg a: t/ch did, to have trulicd " for relief to the fortuitous events of futurity 3" of indifferwere in thcmfclvcs matters vas, whether ence :' that the queltion new 5 r ‘ Sec Far'rnex‘"s Letter iv. and Oliver. t See Letters from Hutchinfon V. Y The ,tx tilC |