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Show 372 ACTS RELATING Part III, Seat. V. TO THE COLONrEs. 373 Itention to lade or land any goods, and which {hould depart Within fourteen days. Power is given to his majeily in his This is a temporary act of coercion: and I cannot fee that any reafonable ob- privy council, whenever it {hall there be jection lies againil it. Two objections were made to appear to him, that peace and obe- however made to it -That it condemned the town unheard; and that it involved dience to the laws are /5 far reitored, as the innocent with the guilty. that trade may be fafely carried on, and the cuftoms duly collected, to fix the extent and bounds of the harbour, and fuch quays and wharfs therein for landing or As to the firil of thefe objections, what oeeafion was there to bear the town of Bolton? were not the fac‘ts ftifliciently notorious? that from the beginning of lading goods ; and to appoint fuch a num‘ ber of officers of the cuf'toms as he fees fit; November to the feventeenth of December, affociations had been formed at Bof- which quays and wharfs, and no Other, 111211] be open for the landing or lading of ton, denying the power or enmicaey of acts of parliament: that at public meetings, goods. conlifiing of many of the principal inha- This power however is not to be exereifed till his majefty {hallbe duly inform~ bitants of Boflon, nightly watches had been appointed to prevent the landing of ed in council, that full fatisfaétion has the tea : that from there meetings, orders been made to the Eaf't India company for the tea deflroyed; as well as to the cuf- had been fent to the confignees not to receive it; to the matters of the thips not tom-houfe officers, and others, for the da- mage they may have fuf'tained by the infurrcélions in the preceding mouths of December and January. This to unlade it, but to return back to England with it: that atlafi, when the tea had lain f0 long in the harbour without clearance, that it would the next day have B b 3 been |