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Show 236 Acrs RELATING Part II. dience, but they did not formally difclaim 1t. Read the petition prefented by the agent of Mafi‘achufet's Bay againf't the falutary acts for refiraining the emiflion of a paper currency, and the creation of banks *, and you would {carcely fuppofe but that {0 late as this the power of parliament to regulate the internal rights of the colony was not only not contefied, but chearfully acquiefced in. On the Sect. X. TO THE Coronas. 237 Plantation, againlt pafling another of the many a€ts which parliament has found it neeefi‘ary to pals for refiraining paper bills of credit in North America. What {aid this agent? Did he call in quellion thofe fiatutes, as they were remote from the right of parliament to make this re~ gulation? \Vas it on any pretended exemption from parliamentary authority that he grounded his objections to the bill? No fuch thing. All he ventured to do was to apply himfelf to the equity of parliament, by infinuating that the provifions of the bill were contrary to the privileges of the colony. Nor was he wanting in his endeavours to concili .te the favour of the lioule, by alledging, " the " punctual and ready obedience the co" lony had ihewn to the pleafure of the any idea of contef'ting the right to make " Crown, and of [/16 I102! 9*." them. in the year .751. other hand, if you believe the reprefenta- tion given of the proceedings there by the committee that {at upon thefe acts, you cannot but perceive that the colonial le- giflatures were as ready to embrace every contrivance for counteraéting tr e effec‘t of Read the petition of Richard Partridge, agent for Rhode Ifland and Providence at 14 Geo. II. Sec Commons Journals, vol. xxiii. p. 527, 528, 645. This was It was in the fame year, and in refe- rence to the fame aC't, that Mr. Bollan, *9 A" B. 17-31. See Common: Journals, vol, :rxii. an. [59. Plan- annr‘i(U. \. it C‘ |