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Show ACTS RELATING 194, Part IL Set}. lK. TO THE ‘COLONIES. x9; might pi‘cf'r for both; but if I called the one a jétt/cmezzf, I 1010de call the SECT. IX. other by the fame name. lV/mt power: did the Parliament excrcgé over the Colom'crflrom t/ze Rcfloratz'mz t0 the Amflion qf 111's {am/cut Mcycfly .9 For if it be true that before the Refioration the king refuted to participate with the other ef'tatcs the fovereignty over the colonies; it is equally true, that he took more than " FTER the Refioration, when many " of the rights of the fubjcét, and what is now allotted to him as his [bare in the fovereignty over hngland. lfit " of the confiitution werefetz‘z'ed, the con- be true, that after the Refloration he con- " fiitution of the colonies (we are told) " received their great alteration." This fen‘ted to participate with the other efiate's the fovereignty over the colonies; it is alteration, it is added, confided in this, equally true, that he left the other eflates " that the king participated the {oven" reignty of the colonies with the parlia- in the undifiurbed enjoyment of their {bare in the fovcreignty over England. " mentii." Why one of thefe cafes {hould be ityled Thus far the author I am quoting; at " an alteration," and the other " afar/5- the fame period, according to him, the conftitution of England was/Lu‘r/ud, that of the " meat," is, I own, more thanI am able to Imuft own] am not underl‘tand. One alteration no doubt there was-m able to perceive the ground of this thintinc‘tion. fibula/(f perhaps is the term I The colonilts at tirlt appealed to the par-'- colonies altered. \ liament, as to a protector, againfl: the power of the crown; and then thejcm'mzt: 1 zw;;ii:ti"i:‘..lla;; at th: Colonies, vol. i. p. 127. O 2. might of * ‘4' him» |