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Show 302 ACTS RELATING thefe two refolutions two PartIl. acts were paired *. The act for granting duties declares in the preamble, " that it is expedient a re " venue {hould be raifed for making a " more certain and adequate provifion for " defraying the charge of the adminillra- " tion of juitice, and the fupport of civil "government." The commons then go on to give and grant certain duties on Sect)". TO THE Commas. verninent, in the colonies. 30-3 The relidue is to be paid into the king's exchen quer. Of thefe duties, that on tea was accom» panied by an cxoneration, quadruple theamount. The fum impofed by it is three pence in the pound weight. But by another aé‘t of the fame fellions, an inland duty of one {billing that had been paid before is taken of?" glafs, red-lead, white-lead, colours, tea, The act for appointing cuftom-houii: and paper. By way of compenfation, the fame ac": gives a farther encouragement to oflicers, declares, that the officers who had the exportation of coffee and cocoa-nuts, of the growth of Britilh America. The monies arifing from the duties impofed by this act are appropriated. So been appointed in virtue of an act of Charles the fecond, were obliged to apply to the commilhoners in England for {pc- cial inl‘truc‘lions in particular cafes; that hence, all who were concerned in the much is to be kept back, as {hall be found commerce of the colonies, were delayed necelrary to the making of a certain and adequate provilion for the adminiflration ofjuflice, and the fupport of the civil go- and obllruéted in their commercial tranf- actions 5 as a relief therefore to merchants, and traders, his niajefly is empowered to appoint commillioners of eulloms, with a: 7 Gm, III. C, 4:, and c. 46. the fame powers as are exercifcd by the 6 com- |