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Show a . 5 () Ae'rs RELATING PartIll. SeCt. llI. TO THE CiiLONIES. 357 " taxation and t‘Cpl‘CllflWztthfl is its mag/'lame fellions another attempt was made "fary confequenee. This connedion is to induce the parliament to conform to " now broken, and taxes are attempted to the direélions of the king, and to fulfill " be levied both in England and America, its own engagements, by entering into a " by men who are not their retpeetive refull and feriaus eoni'ideration of the {late " prefentatives. Our caufe is one. Our of the government in America. " enemies are the fame. We trull our The eoniniitlions of the governor of " eonl'taney and conduct will not diEei‘. l‘s/lztlliiclitilet's bay, and of the command" Demands which are made Without (zu- "‘ ‘t/writy fhould be heard without obedi- ers in eliief‘of' the forces in North Aine~ riea, fome inefiiigcs from the all‘embly to " L'm‘c'." the governor, and the governor's anlivers Thus encouraged to refill and defpife were laid before the houfe. parliament, was it likely that the colonifls .(hould be contented with a partial repeal they had been I"Zl(l it As foon as vas moved to pre- lent an addreli‘i to his majelly, to thank of the obnoxious act? A repeal which him for the communication of thele pa- retained the principle, and left a duty to be levied which had been impol‘ed on that principle. pers, and for having thus referred to his parliament the {late of his government in America; to allure him that the lioule had During the courfe of the fellions a leentered into a ierious eonlideration of the eond attempt was made to obtain an ablblute repeal of the obnoxious aet. But that matter thus relerrcd to them; to reprefent to him, that miliuiderllandings and too failed *. And towardthe clofe oftlie difputes had arilen in almoll: every part of his dominions in America, between the "1‘ Sec Comm. Journ. vol. xxxii. p. 876. civil government and military command" fame A a 3 ers |