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Show 33o ACTS RELATING Part III. king, which as the American dominions are now, were dominions of the king, al- though out of " this his realm ofEngland." There were the iflands of Jerfey, Guern- fey, Sark, and Alderncy, parcels of the duchy of Normandy ; there was the town of Calais, parcel of In} realm (as it is call- ed) of France. Sect. II. TO THE Coromns. 331 fpecified objeét of this proceeding of the two houfes. As to the meafure of flinging our the» offenders; this, though not {pecifically recommended by the addrels, is alledged to have been in contemplation of thofe who framed it 5 and, it mutt be confefl‘ed, If America has courts of that nothing can be more natural than to its own now, in which treafons there com- fuppofe it was ; but for what reafon P be- mitted may be tried, fo had Calais, and caufe it is apparent, that without this the iflands then; yet it is plain, that for meafure, the other could not in the na- treafons committed in Calais, or in the ture of things, I will not fay have any / iflands, a man might, by virtue of that effeet, but could not be f0 much as put act, have been tried in England, becaufe the 3.8: provides for the trying in England in practice. To think of {Llppl'Cfiillg an infurreé'rion, or putting a Prop to a courfe of treafonable rciil'tance prevailing in America, or in the Norman ifles, by the punilhment of fuch of the perfons concerned in of treafons committed wherefoever elfe a treafon can be committed, fince there is no exception. For the lame reafon, therefore, it cannot but be underflood to have provided for the trial of treafons commit- it, as {hould from time to time come vo- ed in America. Thus much as to the of? in England, is what no man in his trial of the crimes in queflion; the taking fenfes could propofe to himfclf; yet {urely, from anything the act has faid, there is no good ground for preihming the order for which was the avowed and fpecified luntarily and offer their heads to be cut PCHI‘ACX‘S ~_mmm 7- '~ll "I." i! |