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Show 400 ACTS RELATING Part Ill. ters of the Atlantic, nor build a bridge over them. Nay farther,-if any one colony can be found, Where an indifferent. trial can be had, it is not required that either the culprit or the VvitneITeS fliould be made to crofs the feas. It has been urged, that the acquittal of 3:»cht.Vl. TO THE CoLONIEs. act now declared illegal and unconf'ritutional: the tap: to be levied by the olficers of that board is now declared illega and unconfiitutional : the order, by which the governor and council may require the aid of the military9 mull now be illegal and unconflitutional, three the ap- captain Prel'ton is here at leafl a cafe in pointment of the council itfelf is declared point, to prove the neetlleilnefs of the pre- to be fo. cautions taken by this aft againfi; partiality in the local judicature. But it is not fo by any means-At that time the judges afiumed as the ground work of their charge ~-that 3rei'ron Was in the king's peace:---was doing a legal get, in difcharge of a legal duty:---they from thence deduced, that he was illegally af« faulted; illegally put in fear of his life; and therefore :18th only j-L' clef/Z'ndemz'a. They mull now aliume another principle: the flationing of foldiers in the colonies is now declared illegal and unconflitutional: the appointment ofa board of eulloms is If it he allumed as law (and in the prefcnt temper and difpofition of things, if the judges do not lay it down as law, it is 6 now manifefl: the jury will afihme it) that theKing has no right to fend troops to Bolton; on that fuppofition, neither can the officer of thofc troops have any" right to place centinels; nor can a centinel {o placed be laid to be in the King's peace. Nor can any aét he does in defending his poll be a legal afi. If it be laid down as law, that the board of cufiorns is an illegal tribunal, and the tax they are to levy an illegal im- pofition, then the oflicers of the cuf'toms Dd are |