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Show 96 ACTS RELATING Part II. Sect. I. or continued, not (as in the former char- ter} by the him 0, but by a majority of the To THE COLONIES. 97 Ci'iablirliing, or changing the form of go- years, as Was granted by the former charter. The company is freed from all fubfidies, and cufioms, in Virginia, for one and twenty years; and for war from all taxes upon goods imported thither: as alfo from all taxes upon goods eiported thence into England, or other the king's" dominions, five per cent. only excepted: which {um being paid, they may within thirteen months after their firft landing in vernment in the colonies ; of making, and England, orether the king's dominions, abrogating laws to be obicrved within the re-export them for {ale infbrezgn parts, precincts of the colony, or upon the feas in going or coming. he governors and officers appointed without wry czflom, fax, or ot/ier duty. by the fori 1Cl‘ charter, are commanded to duties (over and above what are paid by the freemen) are to be five per cent. for non-freemen, who are fubjeé'cs of the king's dominions, and ten per cent. for non-freemen, who are not fubjeels. The duties are appropriated as before in the adventurers. Each member newly chofen to take the oath of counicllor hfore the Lord Chancellor, the Lord High Treafurer, 3rd Chamberlain. or the To this council power is given to conflitutc and confirm, or to dilhharge and change, all officers, governors, and mini{- ters,needfnltothegovernznentofthccolony. The council has farther the power of be obedient to the governors and officers appointed under the prelient charter. The council has the power of admitting new fi‘eeinen, of disfrancl'iiling old ones. It has the fame power of engaging fetl..rs, and of free exportation for {even (5 years, The power of impofing duties on nonfreemen, is confirmed and extended. The former charter. H The |