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Show 78 ACTS RELATING Part1. Sect. IV. TO The COLONIES. A {hort plan for this purpofe will be of- fered at the conclufion of this volume. SECT. IV. And under thefe reliriétions it {hould , feem, that the parliament would have a Summgm 0f J coni‘titntional power oftuxing the Ame- . ,, [benzene/7152223 0/2 Lbs filrlfl‘t‘l‘ 0' o ./ right. ricans. ,j R O M what has hitherto been laid it t- appears, that by the eonl‘titution the king is invefied with the power of grant~ Lu; what {orm of government he thinks belt to Call conqured or acquired countries. That articles of eapitnlation, and treaties cues, thing-h made by the $2.723 aft/w, are binding: on the whole legiflature. That the terms of original charters grantd to fubjeéts forming new fettlemerits, though granted by the king u/oxzu, are by parity of reafon binding on the whole legillature. That this power has been exercifed by fueceilive kings, and recognized by the tacit confent of fueeefliye parliaments, as appears in the cafes of ireland, of \Vales, of Berwick upon Tweed, of New-York, 6 of '¢Tl\t\li |