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Show zoo ACTS RELATING Part II. but limits one of their internal rights ; it prefcribes what perfons may act as merchants, or factors, in the colonies. SeétJX. TO THE COLONIES. 201 Eng/57b " (hips, navigated by an Eirg/z'fli 9* mailer, and with three fourths at leafl: of the crew Eng/fl: 5* mariners, The penal- The idea of this aé‘t was borrowed from the ordinances of the long parliament, ty is forfeiture ofthe goods and vefl‘el, one and from the 3&3 of Cromwell. In pur- the plantation, it the tei'cure is made there, fuance ofthe fame idea, three years after- and onethird to the informer. And to fa- wards the parliament paged another a&, " to maintain," as they exprefs them- felves, " a greater corre.pondence and kind- cilitate the recovery of the penalties, the the king's courts of [the plantation where " nefs between the Colonies and England, the ofl‘ence is committed, or in any court " to keep them in a firmer (Jaye/"mince on of reign: in England. third to the king, one to the governor of informer ha his option of thing either in " it, to make this kingdom a flaple, not As a counterbalance to thefe relli'ietions, " only of the commodities of the planta- the fame a6): grants them certain privileges " tions, but alfo of the commodities of in the exportation of {ca coal. It crnfirms " other countries for fupplying tliem*." and inereaibs the penalties of a tender aft To this purpofe the aét puts their trade i forbidding the plantation o!" taxis, . 9 in under farther regulations, direé'ting, that England, " becaule " fays the air, the no European goods {hall be imported into the plantations, but fuch as {hall be {hipped in England, and proceed direéily on hoard " planting of it is :1 diiciitii‘tig«:‘i11eiit to the " colonies," remarking at the fame time, * Under thifc trrms, are included vclibls as we ohhn'ved above, built in the I ifantahons J and fulfifliefls of the plantations. '* See 15 Car. II. c. 7. Eng/fl» r 11 Car. 11'. c. 34.. that |