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Show 24o ACTS RELATING Partilg for the ordina y fupport of their own ei-~‘ vil government in time of peace. On this head we find it with great vehemence ailerted, that till the fatal period of 1764, the colonies were ever ready to contribute as far as their abilities would permit. Beet. X. TO THE Commas. 241 its immediate object, their own immediate benefit, and advantage * Yet thus much I may be allowed to fay:---tha‘: one or two inltances do not prove an habitual diipo"‘tion to contribute to the public bur- thens. I may he allowed to fay, that the proof given of thefe one or two inflan‘ees, Houfe of Commons. In thefe meflhges the King fets forth Concludes rather llrongerin favour of parliament than in favour of the colonies. It proves, if you will, that the colonies did for once exert themfelves: it proves that [lug/[aid they had exerted themfelves beyo d their firength : but furely it proves too that the parliament was ready to aflift themmit proves, not that the parlia- the zeal of his fubjefis in America; and ment faid that it affifled them, but it recommends it to the honie to reeom~ penfe that zeal. In compliance with this proves that it actually did ajz'ft' them li- On the firft point, that of contributions for extraordinary ferviees, we are referred to the moft refpeitable authorities, to mef» fages fent by their late and prefent ma- jefiies, and to refolutions taken in confe» ~quence of thofe meflhges by the Britifh recommendation large fums Were aftually granted by the houfe. Much firefs is laid on this tellimony; nor will I leflen it by remarking that in tliele lY/i‘c' a€ts of ehearfni contribution, the zeal exerted by the colonies had for "$1 '* For the proofs of this, and a full refutation of the difingenuous affertions of Dr. Franklyn and Mr. Dickenfon-" That the Colonies had no " particular concern or intereft in the 1211': war" ......." Nay that the acquifirions made by it were a " hurt to the coi'onies,"--fee Aéls of their own Afl'emblics cited in the Controverfy reviewed, from p. 107 to p. 137. R berally. |