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Show he". lV. 370 ACTS RELATING Part. III. TO THE COLons. 37! ported to, the port or harbour of Bofion, under penalties therein fpccil‘zcd. SECT. In order the more furely to provide for the efficacy of this prohibition, a kind of V. Afifor flam‘l‘z'izg up the port of Boflon. HE preamble of this at]; fets forth that commotions and infurreé‘tions, fubverfive of his majefiy's government, and defirué‘rive of the public peace, had introductory oirence, is, by another claufe fuperaddcd to the main offences created by the foregoing. Vellcls are forbidden to lie at anchor, or to hover Within a league of the {aid port or harbour ; and to enforce this prohibition, power is given to any been raifed and fomentcd in Bolton: that officer of the navy, or of the cultoms, to during the courfe of thefe infurreé‘rions, feize and conliicate any vellel not departing after a proper warning, therein {pe- fome valuable cargoes of tea belonging to the Eaf't India company had been del'troy- ed: that while things continue in this cified " to fuch {lation as the {aid officers fituation, commerce cannot be fafely car- ried on; nor the cuf'toms, payable to his From this general prohibition are excepted fiorcs for his majcfty's uf‘; fuel majefty, be collected; and that it is there- and viétuals brought waft-wife from any fore become expedient that the officers of his majef'ty's cufloms {hould be removed from thence. It is then cnaé'ted, that from the twentyfirf't of June then next enfuing, no goods Whatever {hall be exported from, or im- part of the continent of America, for the 8 ported J " {hall appoint,' or to fome other port. neceflary life and fuflcnanec of the inha« bitants; and allb all {hips which were actually Within the {aid harbour, on the {aid firft day ofjune, either laden, or with in- B b 2 ten- |