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Show 4. Ac'rs RELATING Part1. ‘S-eEt. I. terms of capitularion, fuch articles of. peace to a conquered country, TO THE Coromrs. 5 judges belt for the fecurity of the'eon- a grant from the late pope Adrian. The adventurers refigned into the hands of quell. Henry the difiriéts ceded to them by as he Dermod. Let us confider the cafe of lreland. To the Englifh fettlers in " An odious fugitive (fiiys Dr. Leland*) thefe diflrié‘ts, Henry, by his ore/z autho- " driven from his province by faition rity, without the intervention of the Eng- " and revenge, gains a few adventurers lifh parliament, gave the full enjoyment " in \Vales, whom youthful valour, or" " dil‘trel‘s of fortune, led into Ireland." of the Englii'h government flzrre, in their new fettleinents. With the native chief- Tliele adventurers embarked under the tains, who acknowledged themfelves his {auction of a general licence from Henry tributaries, he made a folemn compare}: *. 1!. king of England- They aflifled Der- mod, king of Leint'ter, in the reduction of He granted, by his 079:2 authority, the seity of Dublin to the inhabitants of Brif- his revolted fubjeé‘ts. This l thinl; can. hardly be tol, with all the liberties and freecuf'toms, in this new fettlement, which they had enjoyed at Brifiol. called a congucfl ; it was aJ/i'tz‘lcmem‘ grant- By his own authority he granted the ed by a friend, and not a conquefi made town of Waterford to the Of'tmen, with Upon an enemy» the like enjoyment of the laws of Eng- He, in return for this aid, invefled them with divers towns and difirifits, Soon afterwards Henry went Over in; He claimed the whole The privileges of the Englifli law, {0 His claim was founded on. much at leaPr as confided in the enjoya- perfon to Ireland. ef the ifland. land. * Hiflory of Ireland, vol, i. p. 2:. a» grant * See Leland‘s Hillary of Ireland, vol. .i. p. 77, et feq. B 3 merit |