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Show 346 ‘...:"'..n tin .‘ w -- ACTS RELATING Part HI. 863.111. To THE COLONIES. 347 was by this time univerfally underlined in the 1219: mentioned place, that not thefe ails alone, but all aéls of parliament What- and to a due fenfeof lawful authority ; but foever, concerning the colonies, fome of his colonies many perfons had were z'jbjafafio void; all exereife of par- embarked in meafures highly unwarrant- liamentary authority over them, an ufurp- zzb/e, and calculated to defiroy the commer- ation £15 z'm'tz'a. " That they were bound cial conneétion between them and the mo- " by none made fince their emigration, ther-country. " but fuch as they chofe to fubmit to for " their own convenience :" that is by none at all. In this fituation were the affairs of This fpeech, compared with that which had opened the preceding feflion, cannot but appear extraordinary. In that we had America when the third fefiion of this " law and government " prevailing in one parliament was opened by a {peech from. " of the colonies; of " a fpirit of faction" the throne, which muft now be mention- being prevalent in more; of eireumflances ed. In this fpeech his majef'ty *‘ begins with recommending to the ferious attention of his parliament the {late of his government in America. {e declares that he had en- deavoured on his part, by every means, to bring back his fubjeéls there to their duty, that " manifefied a difpolition to throw made he adds with concern, that his endeavours had not anfwered his expeé'tations ; that in been told of" a {late of difobedienee to all -mmm " 0E their dependence ;" and " ofa fieady " perfeverance that had been refolved on in " confequence, for the purpofe of {up" porting the eonflitution, and inducing "- a due obedience to the authority of the " legiflature." This was the language t/zezz; -and now, * Jan. 9: 1770- without any thing having happened to indicate, that that {late had and changed "i- ' ~ hymn-m |