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Show 1:4 ACTS RELATING Part IL It is with their " advice and confent" that he is to appoint judges, commifhoners Seét. IV. To THE COLONIES. 135 " laws, either with penalties, or without, of oyer and terminer, fli€1‘iff5,jtitlices of " not repugnant to the laws of England ;" to appoint annually all civil officers, except the peace, and other officers, belonging thofe referved to the crown, or to the go- .to the council or courts of juflice; to do vernor as above mentioned; to let forth all that is necefihry for the probate of wills, the feveral duties, powers, and limits of and granting adminiflrations; to illue his the oflicers appointed by thcmlelves; to prefcribe the forms of oaths to be taken by fuch officers, fuch oaths, as before, not to he " repugnant to the law: of Enh" lmzdf' to impol‘e " lines, muléts, im- warrant for difpoling of the taxes levied by the general affemblics, for the defenceand {upport of the government, according to fuch a€ts as {hall be in force Within the province; and to grant commiflions for excreifing marti. _l law. ‘~ prifonments, and other puniihments ;" " to impofe, and levy proportionable and " reafonable alleflinents and taxes, on the It is with the general affemblies that it lies to cleft annually the afliflants or coun~ " eltates and perfons of all the proprietors, fellors; and to amove them for milde- " or inhabitants of the province -," and, meanors ; to fix the number of reprefen- finally, to authorize the governor, when tatives, they fee fit, to lead the militia out of the limits of the province. which each county, town, or place, is to depute: the right of voting, however, being relh‘icted to freeholders It is in the name of the king, that all of forty {hillings a year, or men pollell‘ed courts of jullice are to be holden; and of lbme other ellate of the value of fifty they are to have a power of "hearing pounds; " and determining, all manner of pleas, " real, perfonal, or mixed; in caufes err- to erect courts; to make all manner of " wholefome and reafonable K 4, " laws, " minal, |