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Show \IIO ACTS RELATING Part II; fiers. He entered into a treaty with the Plymouth company, by order and in the name of Sir Henry Rofewell, and five other gentlemen of Dorfetfhire, to whom the company fold the part of New England * therein defcribcd as lying at the bottom of Mafl‘achufet's Bay. Thefe new adventurers found the undertaking to exceed their forces. Other gentlemen being applied to, aflociated with them. A new draught of the former patentwas made out, in which the names of the new aflociates wereinferted, and the tranfaéliori was confirmed by the king, The council refiding 2): England were Hill the directors, and fupreme managers, Se&. I! TO THE COLONI'ES; 11E of the whole. The perfons fent out to order and difpofe of the fettlement, were fent under t/zez'r authority, and acted by their direction. It was about this time, that the low church party began to feel the feverities of Lands perfecution : as thofe feverities increafed, men of higher rank, and larger" property, began to look out for an afylum. They applied to the company, and offered to go over to the new fettlement with their families and dependents. It was now for the firl't time, that any part of North America began to be viewed in the light of a fixed abode. The colony till now had fervcd to no other purpofe than that of the feat of a factory, who were changed from ‘* This name of " New England " was given to an indefinite part of the territory within the limits of the Plymouth colony, by Charles I. then prince of \Valcs, at the inllance Ola captain Smith. This captain Smith was a principal man in the Plymouth colony, and had drawn a plan of this part of it. The extent ofit appears no otherw ife than by means of fuch and fuch names of places time to time as the put-poles of commerce made convenient. lt now began to wear the face of a fettled plantation. This new race of inhabitants, excluded from a/lprof- p66? of a return to their native country, turned their eyes to this vacant region as that are {till current. to their home. of Difdaining therefore to fubject _, cum |