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Show 214, ACTS RELATING Part II. e61. IX. The fume parliament, and in the fame feflions, exercifes two of the highelt afls of " America, goods not enumerated in any {:3}, {o " far as the laid mi} relates to the importation of " foreign hops into lrtlnnd." I cite this only to {hew what pains are taken to give awkward, and (what is worfe) mn‘rm titles to our 3&5. For the ad} {aid to he explained, is not at all explained. An exception only is made TO THE COLONIES. of internal legillation. ‘ ' 215 In one and the 1 . v' 1 , , lame law it alters the max/m or" exiticnec in thei‘ courts of common law; and it alters the nature of their cflates, by treating real efiates as chattels. The preamble of this act declares " that " his majelly's fubjeéts tradinrr to the 6‘ plantations, lie under great dilhculties, " for want of more catty methods of prov- by the {econd aft to a general permitlion granted in the hill. The matter concerning which, the aét is laid to be explained, is not once mentioned in ," ing, recovering, and levying of debts " due to them, than are now ude 1n fome the original aft. " of the {aid plantations."--lt declares the In the body of this explanatory :18, it is faid, " that {hill/15 had :irifen whether the liberty of im- remedying of thefe inconvenieneies necei- " porting hops was not given in the {miner at ," Now no dryer could arile. The liberty was as clearly given as words could give it. All! goods, mi enumerated, III/3,7)! be imported. Hops were importation of fuch of them to Ireland as fhould b: li‘iipt heli'nv.‘ the ll‘contl aft could be duly noti- not enumerartd. This is only one, out of many inflan ‘85 I could cite, of this inaccuracy in the competition of liilt laws; and of fomething wort"; than inaccuracy in the manner of {upplying omifilons, or refitiliying rniftakes in them. Had the fecond not candidly declared that the legillature had not recollec‘led that hops were mt among the enumerated goods z-‘had it allowed the ‘iied : hid. it then clnlletl hops among the enumerat~ ed goods fol the future, the legifiature would have {pol/{en a language hecoming its own gravity, dud dignity. But to cgll that an explanation, which \VJS only the {apply of an orniflion; to luppofi: 7'. doubt, where no doubt could arife; to inhnuate a cent'hre on the iindt-ill'siitlings of tholi‘, to tthoni the command was ndlrellixl ; when a]! the cenlizirr‘, it any. was due to the carlelliiels of thol‘e who if- é'netl the conmzantl , betrays a levity and puerility, that too often dilgraee tht: legiflature. importation P4 |