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Show Part 1H, ACTS RELATING .166 they died 01?, it might have appronriuto 111013111111- ed theirr'C13ieC‘tivc 111:11C5 to n "A he made to the 1101111111 cle'g‘ thus without any new expence to ing and endowing of 1cliools, to the 111111:- 1111113, might 11:1 ing of roads, to the unintenzmce of 1'111 111111 ever operating in:hce111e11t to protel‘tant clergy, and to other "'01"::s of 17111111111011 the church ofRonic. public utility. It may be urged perhaps, that fuch an 111w arrangement would have {hoched 01' revolted the Canadians; but is there any thing more 1l1oching, or revolting, than the cruel {late of dependence in which the 115.1 has now left them? they are mere held {11:11 :1 311322212- As the 11:1 {12111113, this inducement is with- 11 rawn ; catholics are to pay the accnfi‘om 1'11 dues and riv'hts to the catholic 11151113; ‘11: protefltrnts too are to my 111e::1 t) {orne :oiiecfitor or other, and 011t 01' 111.111 his 111% 1:1":y11121y, if he pleat-es, make 21 3111:1111'11111 protelhmt clergy. 11 111:1 1:1 :21'27 ' ' flay, he is then to rec 1.'c the tenants at will : was that then 110113 of 311111111111c111? Did1t mean that ' _1 lues from hi 5 3‘111e11.111t111hi11'.s thele connnnnhies, men who have fnch 1.3111 the framers of $1115 :15: cenrider, hience over the minds of the people that :1 part of theie rig l1 ts 211111 11 nes 111111.» 11101 L1 DC kept dependent on the \.i;l 'i'it'orn "1111118 paid in connnntation for pc- of the crown 101' their 11111113 111111 3101‘- 111111ce, for 1112111118 1711111 for the delivery of {cilionsa‘ 11111113 The 93111111111 {opprefiion of convents 1.01113 11-111'ei‘u1'1iilhet1 21 firihcient 1011 :1 proteisant clergy. 111111 ltrity 11110:} from purgatory, ofthe canon 112V ? (3011111111111111111 0113 rIhe 3:. {111' 111137 311111110118 re indeed 311111111111 31111 wnen :1 1111111 11111111111113 from hen have been J 17:1;1'1'1'; 11.2'mm 0111} the";r 13xe111311e«.iii'o;11 tize 3111j'111ents. :11c111101nc11 t‘.) 11 {11.1.1353ne may do without them. 11 h 2 |