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Show Seft. VIII. 444. ACTS RELATING TO THE Commas. 445 Part III. perience of more than nine years, during " fubjeé‘cion to the king and parliament of " Great Britain." which it had been uniformly adminil'tered ; and therefore enaéts, that the fame law It ordains that all controverfies relative {hall continue to be adminiliered, and ob- to property and civil right, {hall be de- cided by the laws and cultoms of Canada, till altered by any ordinance of the governor, with the advice and confent of the le- ferved, as well in the defcription and qua- lity of the offence, as in the method of profecution and trial; and the punilhments and forfeitures thereby inflicted to the ex- giflative council. clufion of every other rule of criminal law, To this claufe two provifoes are annex- fubjetft neverthelefs to fuch alterations and ed. The one, that it {hall not extend to amendments as the governor, with the ad- any lands which already are, or hereafter may be granted by the king in free and common foccage. The other, that it {hall not preclude any pcrfon who has a right to alienate his lands, vice and confent of the legiflative council, {hall from time to time caufe to be made therein. So much power is left to this legillative goods, or credits, council, that great part of the merit, or in his life time, by deed of {ale or gift, demerit of this a€t, will depend on the or otherwife, from devifing, or bequeath- ing them at his death by his 121?: will or tefiament. The a5": then remarks, that the certain- ty and lenity of the Uri/22824! law of England, and the benefits and advantages re. fulting from the ufe of it, had been fen- 1ibly felt by the inhabitants from an experience conflitution given by it to this body. The aft acknowledges, that the power of making many regulations for the future welfare and good government of the province, mutt of neceflity be intrulled for a certain time-«(and it might have been faid at 0// times) and under properref'trié'tions, 8 to |