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Show 44o ACTS RELATING Part Ill. Se&.VIII. TO THE Commas. 44: herein contained " {hall in (my wi/E' afi7e€t " the boundaries of any other colony."--Saving likewife all rights derived from preceding grants and conveyances. Having thus fixed, if indeed the act for this fevere cenfure on the king's pro- the can be {aid to have fixed, what are " religion of the church of Rome :"--«the territories and people, whom the legifla- other, " that they did then enjoy an efi'a- turc has in contemplation, the act goes on to appoint the civil government of the ,province. For this purpofe it firft rcpeals all the provifions made by the proclaman tion cited above, f0 far as it relates to the 6‘ blilhed form ofconltitution, and fyflcm province of (Eebec, or to the comrniflion, proclamation, and the grounds afligned under the authority of which the government of the province had been hitherto adminifiered; it repeals all the ordinances hitherto made by the governor and coun- for it together, we min": conclude, that the clamation. The one " that the inhabitants " of this province did, at the time of its " being conquered, amount to above fix- " ty-five thoufand perfons profefiing the " of laws, by which their perfons and " property had been protected, governed, " and ordered for a long feries of years." Combining the centiire on the royal all eommiflions granted to judges and other officers. All thefe provifions are repealed, becaufe as it is declared, "they are inapplicable "to the Rate and circumflances of the _" province." Two grounds are afiigned proclamation was looked upon as faulty, in not having fur'iiciently provided for the fecurity of the inhabitants who profefied the Roman catholic religion; and in hav- ing wantonly, and Without reafon, broken in upon the ancient fyftexn of laws. And thefe are the faults which the act endea, vours to rectify. I It provides that his majefiy's fubjeé'ts, profefling the religion " of the church of for " Rome, cil, relative to the civil government, and |