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Show 414. Acrs RELATING Part III. tending for themfelves; they would have had a real and a permanent interef'r, fuffio cient to incite them to labour earnefily and Sect. VII. TO THE Commas. legiflative council, 415 and the council of ' fiate. ' From the fame fource perhaps fprung another defect. Among the quiz/flim- effectually, to check the encroachments either of the crown or people *1 This feeond defect in the law before us was perhaps a confequence of the ori- ginal error, of confounding together the * Mr. Oliver obferves, the honour of being a legillative counfellor could not be hereditary in Mafliachufet's Bay, becaufe el'tates are partable af- z‘z'om of the counfellors, they are required to be proprietors of land, or inhabitants within the province. A member of the council of fiate {lands in a refponfible of-ficez-many officers of the are mere inhabitants, may ety, nay ought perhaps to this board; but furely the crown, who with propribe called to members of ter the death of the proprietor: butrecommends it warmly that they be appointed guam diufe 5m: ggflérint. Or as a farther check upon the exor- bitance of the democratic power he propofes an order of nobleHe, who {hould elefl' counfellors out of their own body, as the Scotch peers elect out of their body lords of parliament, referving only a negative to the crown, See Letters, p. 31, 32. Such a fcheme, coming from a man {0 well ac- the legiflative council ought to have a na- tuml, as well as a po/z'ticzz/ relation to the quainted with the country, furely deferved atten- And neither requires fuch qualifications as tion.~--lt {hould feem befides to be of fuch a nature, as either to meet with little, or overcome all refiflance. Efpecially if the crown had given tip-as 1 think it might fafely have done-the right of putting a negative upon all vacancies to country. Territorial pollellions feern an indifpenfible qualification to a member of the legillature. Hitherto the act fecms to have confidened this council merely as a council of fiatc. floould have been required ofmor gives fuch adegree ofindependence as Ihould have been given to, members who were to form a difl'iné‘t be fupplied, after the firfl nomination. legiflative |