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Show 392 Acrs RELATING obedience to the laws. Part Ill, Seét. VI. TO THE COLONIES. 393 Ifthe parties fup- pofed innocent did this, no punilhment at SECT. VI. all would enfue; if they did not, if they tamely fate fiill, and gave way to the entei'prizes of the guilty, they ceafed to be innocent: they became accomplices with the guilty. A6! for t/ze impartial ndmz‘m'flraz‘z'm ofM- lice in #16 Cafe ofpeifom guqflz‘omd for (my ad"? done in file execution of the [(1711 2'12 Mzgflézc/zzflz": Bay. H E preamble of this a8; fets forth, that an attempt had lately been made in Maflachufet's Bay to throw off the authority of parliament, by refilling avowedly, and by open force, the execution of certain ofits 8&3: that it is of the utmof't importance to the general wellfare of the province, and the re-efiablilh- ment of lawful authority, that neither the magifiratcs acting in fupport of the laws, nor fubjcéts allilting them therein, {hould be difcouraged from the proper difcharge ‘ of their duty by an apprehenlion of their being tried before perfons Who do not acknowledge the validity of the laws, in the execution of which, nor the authority of 1‘ the |