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Show 342 Ac'rs RELATING Part III. To THE COLONIEs. Seét. ‘II. 343 Nor does it imply, as it has But in vindicating the letter from un}ufl cenfures and lug/222.2" confirué'tions, it is impofiible not to confefs that the writing been {aid to imply *, "that the idea of of fuch a letter, at fuch a time, feemed on " taxing America for the purpofe of rail" ing a revenue, is an abominable pro- many accounts reprehenfible. A flrange flight feemed to be put upon parliament. " je&."~--Nor does it rrjc'fl the principle, Sentiments appear to be attributed to it, not only which it had 7201‘ manifef'ted, but diree'tly oppofite to thofe which it had ma- promife to wired! a tax; but a promife only that the repeal {hall be propqflad to the houfe. or deny the right, of taxing, for a revenue, It declares only, that it is not the inten- tention of the prefent miniltry to propofe nifef'ted. If it was the opinion of par- the making of any further ufe of that liament to repeal the duties, how came a. right: to exert it by the impofition of motion made for that very purpofe to be «rejected .P By this letter, fubjcé‘ts were taught to any new tax: it promifes only, that the minifiry will endeavour to obtain a repeal of part of the duties impofed on that principle; not becaufc the principle was falfe, but becaufe the right had in this inflanee been fo exerted as to violate another fet of principles; the principles of corn- memes-Thefts mif-ltatings however are not uncommon with " unfcrupulous oppofir" tions." await their delliny, not from the refolves of parliament, but from the good pleafure of the crown. \Vith parliament every thing was to originate, which carried the face of feverity ; with the 1ninillr_y, every thing of grace and favour. That the relblutions made by parliament, and the plan announced in the letter of the fecretary, were at leaf't difcor- it v, \ 4..) "e . Mi. bunt : 5 speech, p. 27. .dant, Will, I think hardly Z 4. be denied. \Vhat I -~ minimum ' I --I "ll". I ll |