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Show 296 Acrs RELATING Part II. Seét. XI. To THE Commas. 297 The noble duke was allilted by forth: nor has any magician yet been found to lay him. Very early in the year 1767, the colony of New York prefented a remarkable pe- the chief, who had led " the phalanx" in tition, in which they fet forth, that not- the lower houfe, and " infpired even the " meanel't of them with courage."--The people's lawyer, the great defender of withllanding the tender regard for their happinefs, manifefied in the lalt fellions of parliament, " yet the commercial re- Britilh and American liberty, held the " gulations then enacted, infiead of re- feals : and Ize, who was alone a hell, not " medying, Izod increzfi'd the heavy éur- " t/zem, under which the colony already " laboured *1" Thefe regulations were regulations made under the very adminiftration of our panegyrifi's hero. So impollible was it for that noble perfon, with The noble marquis refigned his place to a noble duke, who had been a companion of his battles, and a partner in his victories. Only deigned to put the miniflry in ar« ray, but condefcended to take his polt among them. No doubt he did it on mature deliberation. He could not hallily give his confidence, " confidence he had " before aflErted in the h0ufc-~was a " plant of flow growth in an aged bolom." He was pa'ft the feafon of credulity. -\Vho could have imagined, that in his all his penetration, and all his patriotifm, to perfuade this untoward people of his being able to dilbern their true interefi, and willing to purfue them. adminif'tration, any fubjeél of contention But if this colony could not bring itfelf could pollibly have arilen between Great to approve the wifdom of parliament in its commercial regulations, much lefs Britain, and her colonies-Yet {0 it was. Very early in this adminillration, the demon of difcord again flept forth: 9* Sec Commons Journals, vol. xxxi. p. 160. could |