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Show 198 Acrs RELATING Part 11. Se&.IX. 'TO THE Commas. 199 ing, their internal rights, and for laying men who fay thus are either themfelves under a millake, or mean to lead others into one. This I may venture to fay, having proof before me : the faél is not as alleclged. A par iamentary reve- {mm on them. The navigation aft *6 has been {0 often cited in this controverfy, that it would per- haps be l'ufficient barely to name it; but I would with to obfervc, that the colonies nue has been thought of often; fomec times even rzzf/E'd; railed by parliament, and quietly fubmitted to by the colonies Monopoly was in fome infiances extended over the colonies in favour of England. True; lb was it in other inl'tanccs over ought not to confider it barer as a rrflrz'cline 218:. True it is, that it lays the colo- nies under certain rif/irz'éi'z'om; but then it is equally liberal in fecuring them certain advrnzl'zzger. ‘T/‘ez‘r {hips are confidered as Englifh fhips; their "It/ZIV'IZEFJ as Englilh England in favour of the colonies. mariners 1280 far then as the increafe of I {hould not have the courage to contradié't an allertion made {0 folemnly, by fuch navigation and mariners was in contemplation, the colonies participate in the be- a man in fuch an allembly, ifI were not nefits of this aét, as fully as the Engliflt fupported by the higheft authority, no lefs than the records of parliament. To this authority let us appeal; let us turn to the l‘ratutes, there we {hall fee that few parliaments have fat fince the xra of the Refioration, which have not pail aé'ts, thcmfelvcs. Confidering it as a refirietive aft, and it does more than regulate the trade of the colonies; for it not only pre- fcribes in what velfels, and to what places, the goods of the colonies may be exported, not only for regulating the trade of the * 12 Car. II. c. 18. colonies, but alfo for ordering and limit~ l' 13 8c 14 Car. 11. c. :1. feet. 6. ing? 04 |