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Show 254 ACTS RELATING Part If, " been {0 happily enlarged :"--this furely is no objefiion to the aft. It declares it to be qut and necefl'ary " that a revenue {hould be raifed in America:" it afligns the grounds of this pofition‘, and the ufe to be made of the revenue fo railed ; namely, " defraying the expences of defend- " ing, protecting, and fecuring the domi" nions fo acquired and enlarged."--Is this any objeélion to the afi? It declares, that the commons‘" were defirous in the Sect. XI. TO THE Commas. 255 Thus appeared it to this orator; to me, toany one, who deigned to read the {tatute-book, and who ehofe to {peak of it, it mull appear at the utrnof‘t but a c012-' tz'izzmt/a/z of forrows. All thefe dreadful phantoms, however, " then {ellions of parliament to make/am: appeared to the colonifis :---all were con- jured up by thefe feemingly innocent, but [magic words : - " fome provifion " ~- " prefent feflion"--Alas! who can anfwer for the wildnefs of an American imagination. " provifion towards raifing this revenue." There was a time when every laundrcfs, -I fliould have thought even 1/11} no great \Ve are told, how- every poor negroe wench in New Eng« land ftarted up an enchantrefs; formid- ever, that " from thefe laft words it ap- able as the evoker of Samuel at Endor; " peared to the colonies, that this 218: was when old men outdid the wonders of the " but a éegiizizz'flg offarr'owr ; that may magicians " fellion was to produce ibmethiug of the " fame kind ; that ve were to go on from fialked about at noon day.-~Thc paroxyfins of religious madnefs are now over: a political phaenzy has fucceeded. lnliead of witches and daemons, their imagination is now terrified With the grim fpeftres of objeé‘tion to the aét. " day to day in charging tl‘fem with fueh " duties as we plaal‘ed forfuch a military " force as we {hould think proper*"." of Pharoah ; and daemons Haves, * Mr, Burke‘s Speech, 1:. 51. Thus -lllllllil |