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Show 242 Acrs RELATING Part II. berally. Whether they had exerted themfelves beyond their firength, fiands on re- Sect. IX. To THE COLONIES. 243 " reafon to difapprove the nomination, " the perfons, or the conduit of thefe Ollie- cord as a matter of opinion. That they were recompenfed {lands upon record as a matter of faé't. As to the fecond point, that of contri- butions for the ordinary fupport of their own civil government in time of peace9 infiead of proofs we have only aflertions. If allertions are to weigh, thofe of Mr. Pownal will furely be allowed their weight. Let us then hear what he fays on the mat- fupport a government is to preferve it in a [late of firength and activity : what flrength, what aetivity can there be in that government where the executive and judicial powers are f0 crampt and fettered, and depend for a feanty fubtiflence on the arbitrary and annual grants of a popular aflembly 3 ter; to his tefiimony no fober American Mr. Pownal, in the words we have can object. " cers."--Is this the liberal flipport of their civil government we hear fo much of? To cited, was {peaking of the general and He tells us, that the order of the crown to require a permanent fupport for the go- ‘vernor, " is generally, if not univerfally, ." rejeéted by the colonial legiflatures *3" He tells us, " that the fupport of the go- " vernors, judges, and officers of the ordinary mode of providing for the {upport of the civil government in the colonies. He thought it not necellary it {hould feem, to cite particular proofs of an aller- tion confirmed by daily experience. But we know of one remarkable iuf'tance which " crown, is with-held or reduced, when- lhould not be pallbd over. " ever the aflemblies jz‘rppcjé they have extraordinary exertion have, we have feen, '* Sec Adminifimrion of the Colonies, vol. i. i l ii cen cited Single acts of as triumphant proofs in favour of K O) 5'), cil‘ ( -‘ R 2 " reafon the |