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Show AC'rs RELATING 15o Part II. See}. V. TO THE CoLoNIES. 15! right of tithing on the coafl: of Maryland, How numerous and how material the in common with the fubjeé'ts of Mary- points are in which this charter differs from every other that we have examined land. " We covenant (fays the charter) that we may now perceive. But that which is molt to our purpofe to remark, is the king's abfolute and formal renunciation of the right oftaxing: a renunciation much too important, it fhould feem, not " we, our heirs and fuccefibrs, will at no to have been made, as it is here, in ter- " time hereafter fet, or make, or tau/é to " be fer, any impolition, rate, or contri- minis, As to the right of taxation, the king renounces it for himfelf, his heirs, and friceellors: and in terms which appear to me very forcible and decilive. wherefoever it was intended it {hould be underflood to have been made. " bution teller/emery in and upon the As to the extent of this renunciation, it " dwellers and inhabitants ofthe aforefaid " province for their lands, tenements, depends upon the relation which the co- lonies were flippofed to Rand in to the king. " goods or chattels, wit/12'" the faid pro- \Vhat that relation was, is a queltion that " Vince, or to be laden or mr/adm within has been the l‘u'ojefl' of much controverfy. " the ports or harbours of the faid proBy this dalmatian, is meant the abovementioned " Vince." And " this declaration," as it clam/fa ofrwmmzt: and when it is {aid that claule is f'tyled, " is required to be received and " allowed in all his courts as fufiicient and " lawful difcharge, acquittance, and pay- (hall be received as payment of a fort of debt, which by the fame claule was never to beeomedue, nothing more is meant than this; that to any profeeution on account of {rich :1 debt, this elaule " ment *." How rendering the tax whence the debt was to accrue illegal, thould be a bar; * The abundans cautela of the lawyer has here, as, were the tax legal, payment "'0qu he a bar. as is very apt to be the cafe, ended in obfcurity. L 4. BY Before |