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Show 50 ACTS R-ELAVI'ING Part 1'. Seét. III. To THE CoLomes. st from duties, to which, as Britifh fubjeé‘ts, of fixing their own internal legiflation‘, and they were fubjeéted by law. Vthtt powers then muft fuch compaa; a full exemption from internal taXation by' the Britifh parliament, be indeed fpecifically be underflood to have given them 3 Such named; or be necelTary to the full exercife powers as are therein/fiery'icd, and more- of the powers, or to the full enjoyment of the exemptions that are fpccified, is a quef-é over fuch ot/ztr powers, not fpecified, as it is neceffary they fhould enjoy, in order to exercife fuch powers as are fpecilied. It gives them 271%} and no ot/zer. From what duties and what ref'traints mull fuch a compaét be underflood to have exempted them E‘ From fuch duties, and. fuch- refiraints as are thereinfpecified ,- and moreover, from fuch other duties and reflraints as are not fpecified : but from which it is neceflliry to be exempted, in order to their full enjoyment of exemption from fuch duties and refiraints as are {pe- cified. From i/If/E', and no other, it exempts them. \Vhether among the powers conveyed, and the exemptions granted to the colo- nies by their charters, the exclufive power of tion which will meet us in its proper place. But may we not go farther? May we not fay, that a Cafe may be put, in which, bea- yond thefe, fl'ill other powers and exemptions, neither fpeeifically named in the com-4 paét, not necefiary to the exercife and 6114 joyment of fuch as are fpecifiCally named; may yet fairly be fuppofed to be conveyed and granted by a charter? l t fltould feem fo, if thofe who accepted it did, from the beginning, underfiand the charter to have conveyed fuch other powers and exempti< ons; if in confequence of that interpreted tion, they have ever finee conf'tantly a'nd unié formly exercifed thofe powers; and enjoyed thofe exemptions; and ift'hofe who by them4 felves, or by their agent, granted the chardter, did at the beginning acquiefce in this i .E 2 intetg |