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Show 844 MR. F. MOORE ON LEPIDOPTEROUS [ Nov. 5, ISOTEINON SUBTESTACEUS, n. sp. Male and Female. Upperside dark olive-brown ; cilia cinereous-brown, with a brown inner line and indistinct bars : fore wing with a semidiaphanous spot at end of the cell, a curved series of three subapical contiguous spots, and two larger contiguous spots on the disk. Underside brownish ochreous, grey-speckled : fore wing with the basal area below the cell and the disk fuliginous black ; spots as above ; male with a black tuft on hind margin: hind wing with a curved discal series of six small white spots, and four subbasal spots, the two lower of the latter being contiguous, the third at the end of the cell, and the fourth above the cell. Palpi and body beneath ochreous-white ; legs brownish ochreous. Allied to I. atkinsoni, from Darjiling. Expanse If inch. Ahsown. In coll. J. Wood-Mason. SPHINGES. Fam. SPHINGID^E. Subfam. MACROGLOSSIN.E. MACROGLOSSA ORIENTALIS. Macroglossa orientalis, Butler, Trans. Linn. Soc. x. p. 528 (1876). Ahsown. MACROGLOSSA LUTEATA. Macroglossa luteata, Butler, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1875, p. 241, pl. 37. f. 5. Ahsown. Subfam. AMBULYCIN^E. A M B U L Y X SUBSTRIGILIS. Ambulyx substrigilis, Westwood, Cab. Orient. Ent. pl. 30. f. 2. Taoo, 3000-5000 feet. BOMBYCES. Fam. ZYGALNID^E. Subfam. SYNTOMIN^E. SYNTOMIS GROTEI. Syntomis grotei, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 245, pl. 18. f.4. Taoo, 3000-5000 feet, March. SYNTOMIS SLADENI. Syntomis sladeni, Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. 1871, p. 245, pl. 18. f. 5. Moolai to Moolat, 4500 feet. |