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Show 142 PROF. A. H. GARROD ON THE BINTURONG. [Feb. 5, Obs. C. variegato et C. bartletti forsan affinis, sed statura majore et pectore griseo distinguendus. This apparently undescribed Tinamou has the back conspicuously transversely barred as in C. variegatus, but is much larger than that species and has the whole of the lower part of the neck brownish grey instead of cinnamon. C. bartletti, described by us from specimens obtained by Mr. E. Bartlett in Eastern Peru (P.Z.S. 1873, p. 311), is also a smaller bird, and has the whole under surface except the throat fawn-colour ; it also wants the light supercilium and the transverse marks on the occiput. In size the new species approaches C. sailed; but the totally different colour of the under surface of this species renders further comparison unnecessary. Prof. Steere's collection contains two specimens of this species, exactly resembling one another in colour, but differing slightly in size, the bird described above being the larger of the two. 5. Note on the A n a t o m y of the Binturong (Arctictis binturong). By A . H . G A R R O D , M.A., F.R.S. [Received January 7, 1878.] In an earlier communication 1 I was able to confirm the observations of others, and to add fresh details, with reference to the anatomy of Arctictis binturong. Since that paper was published, two other specimens of the species have passed through m y hands, the earlier of which differed in no respect from the one which I had previouly described. The last, however, which died on January 4, 1878, presented a peculiarity which I feel to be deserving of record. It was a female, apparently adult, having lived in the Gardens of the Society since October 1-9,1875. The abnormal feature which it presented was the total absence of any trace of the colic caecum, which, as is shown in a drawing accompanying m y former paper, is normally extremely small. The line of separation between the small and large intestines is well defined; and there is no valvular constriction between the two tubes, as is the case in the Arctoidea generally. There is a large Peyer's Patch quite close to the termination of the smaller gut. The non-constancy of the presence of the diminutive caecum in Arctictis binturong, and its total absence in Nandinia binotata1, makes it evident that the existence of the caecum is a less important diagnostic character than was inferred by earlier investigators. 1 P. Z. S. 1873, p. 196. Vide Prof. Flower's " Note," P. Z. S. 1872, p. 683. |