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Show 612 THE MARQUIS OF TWEEDDALE ON [MAY 21, 1. TANYGNATHUS LUZONENSIS (3). [P. Princesa, 3, January 1878.] Not separable from all other Philippine examples. 2. BUTASTUR INDICUS (20). [P. Princesa, 3(?)> November 28, 1877 : iris bright yellow ; cere light wax-yellow ; bill and nails black ; legs and feet dull yellow.] 3. CHRYSOCOLAPTES ERYTHROCEPHALUS. Chrysocolaptes 'erythrocephalus, Sharpe, Tr. L. S. ser. 2, Zool. i. p. 315. no. 13, t. xlvi. f. 1. [P. Princesa, 3, December 2, 1877: iris crimson; bill pale yellow tinged with green; feet and claws grey-green. $ , November 27: iris crimson ; bill pale yellow tinged with green ; feet and claws greyish green.] The male example is in full adult plumage. That of the female (hitherto undescribed) resembles the male in all respects excepting the crown of the head and the crest, the feathers of which are ruddy brown, each being tipped with a pale rusty-yellow drop or spot. The cheeks, chin, and throat are washed with dilute crimson, not intense as in the male. 4. TIGA EVERETTI. (Plate XXXVII.) Tiga javanensis (Ljungh,), Sharpe, t.c. p. 315. no. 14? Three examples, two of the adult male and one of the adult female, were obtained near Puerto Princesa by Mr. Everett. They probably belong to the species doubtfully identified by Mr. Sharpe (/. c.) with T. javanensis. From this species, as well as from all the other species of the genus known to me, the present bird differs in the female having the head and crest uniform dark brown, the latter being broadly terminated with crimson. The lower part of the throat and the upper breast are uniform buffy brown, and not squamate. Male. Forehead, crown aud crest, uropygium, aud upper tail-coverts crimson. Many of the dorsal plumes washed with crimson. Lores buffy brown. Space behind the eyes creamy white, each feather narrowly margined with pale brown. A patch commencing below the posterior angle of the eye and including the ear-coverts dark brown, this colour being continued as a narrow band round the occiput. Space below the eye buffy cream-colour, which is continued as a narrow line on the cheek, and expands into a broad stripe down the sides of the neck. A brown stripe commencing at angle of mouth and descending down the sides of the neck ; a few crimson feathers on the inner edge of this stripe. Chin and upper throat buffy cream-colour, many of the feathers tipped dark brown. Lower throat and crop uniform buffy brown. Breast-feathers pale yellow, very narrowly margined and boldly centred with dark brown ; within the brown centres a pale yellow stripe of varying dimensions. Abdominal and ventral feathers and the under tail-coverts pale yellow, with generally two cross bands of |