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Show 734 GODMAN AND SALVIN ON NEW BUTTERFLIES. [June 18, the end of the cell and six submarginal spots running from the to the anal angle, those nearest the latter nearly white ; the central portion and inner margin of secondaries dull yellowish white, the base and outer margin broadly black, the latter including six obsolete yellowish spots. Beneath like the male, except that the primaries have no yellowish spot spreading from the inner margin over the median branches. Hab. New Ireland. 06s. Belongs to the Delias group. The male resembles on the upperside the same sex of P. aruna, Boisd., as figured by Hewitson, and D. inferna, Butl. The female on the upperside, and both sexes on the under, more nearly resemble P. descombresi, Boisd. PIERIS EURYGANIA. c? . Exp. 3*2. Above white, the apex of the primaries chrome-yellow, margined with the black costa and outer margin and a curved band running from inside the cell to near the anal angle, the outer margin of the secondaries broadly black. Beneath, primaries chiefly black, yellow apical spot as on the upperside, the proximal end of the cell yellow, and the inner margin white; the secondaries at the basal half yellow, black towards the distal half, across the black a distinct band of crimson, which becomes orange where it meets the yellow near the inner margin. 5 . Like the c5", except that the basal portion of the primaries is black, the outer margin of the secondaries is more broadly black, and the inner portion of the secondaries, together with inner margin of the primaries, pale yellow. Beneath same as the male. Hab. New Ireland. Obs. This is a very distinct species, apparently belonging to the Delias group. PIERIS LYTAEA. 2 • Exp. 2*5. Above black, a large subtriangular spot on the inner margin, extending to just within the cell, three apical spots of the primaries and the basal half of the secondaries white. Beneath, black arranged as above, a submarginal row of large white spots on both wings ; the base of the primaries and the greater portion of the base of the secondaries sulphur-yellow ; the rest of the secondaries (not occupied with black) is white. Hab. New Britain. A female, apparently belonging to the Belenois group; we have no nearly allied species with which to compare it. PAPILIO SEGONAX. 3- Exp. 4*6. Primaries slightly falcate, secondaries produced, Upper surface rich metallic green, a median row of five nearly circular spots starting from the apex to the space between the third and fourth median nervules, a similarly coloured subtriangular spot near the middle of the inner margin, and a very small one close |