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Show Xlll Page Exhibition of, and remarks on, a Second Collection of Birds from Duke-of-York Island, New Britain, and New Ireland, received from the Rev. G. Brown, C.M.Z.S 289 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, the typical specimen of Ninox solomonis, Sharpe 290 Exhibition of a Coot, probably the typical specimen of Fulica gallinuloides 291 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, the type specimen of Dicrurus marginatus of Blyth t 339 Reports on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger.'-No. VIII. O n the Birds of the Sandwich Islands 346 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in March 1878 377 Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a typical specimen of a new Fox (Vulpes eana) 392 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in April 1878 441 Further Remarks on Fuligula nationi. (Plate XXXII.).. 477 Reports on the Collections of Birds made during the Voyage of H.M.S. ' Challenger.'-No. X. On the Birds of the Atlantic Islands and Kerguelen's Land, and on the Miscellaneous Collections 576 Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in May 1878, and Remarks on Tapirus roulini. (Plate XXXIX.) 631 Remarks upon the living examples of Ciconia maguari and Ciconia episcopus now in the Society's Gardens 633 Note on a second specimen of Felis lanea 655 Notice of a supplementary memoir on the Curassows (Cra-cidse) 656 On a third Collection of Birds made by the Rev. G. Brown, C.M.Z.S., in the Duke-of-York Group of Islands and its vicinity. (Plate XLII.) 670 |