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Show Now ready, price £25, in two volumes, bound in half-morocco, containing 100 coloured plates, ZOOLOGICAL SKETCHES B Y J O S E P H W O L F. MADE FOR THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON, FROM ANIMALS IN THEIR VIVARIUM. EDITED, WITH NOTES, BY PHILIP LUTLEY SCLATER, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., SECRETARY TO THE SOCIETY. T H I S series of Drawings was undertaken with the object of preserving a faithful record of the living characters of the most rare and interesting Animals in the Vivarium of the Zoological Society of London. In selecting the subjects, particular regard has been paid to those species which exhibit aptitude for acclimatization, either as objects of economic value, or simply as additions to the Exotic Animals which are now so frequently seen in the parks and on the ornamental waters of Europe. The Drawings have been executed in Water Colours, after most careful study, by Mr. W O L F , who may be fairly said to stand alone in minute knowledge of the habits and forms of Mammalia as well as of Birds; and the Lithographic copies, partly printed in colour and then finished by hand, are in such exact fac-simile as to be scarcely distinguishable from the originals. The Letterpress, prepared by the Editor, embraces all particulars of interest relating to the general history, habits, distribution, and use of the Animals illustrated in the Plates. London: G E A V E S A N D CO., Pall Mall. Price 6d., Sewed, A GUIDE TO T H E GARDENS OF THE Z O O L O G I C A L S O C I E T Y OF L O N D O N. Thirty-first Edition, corrected according to the present Arrangement of the Gardens, Bv PHILIP L U T L E Y SCLATER, M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S., SECRETARY TO THE SOCIETY. London: BRADBURY, A G N E W , A N D CO., 10 Bouverie Street; and at the Society's Gardens in the Regent's Park. Price Ss. Qd. ; to Fellows, 2s. Qd. LIST OF THE VERTEBRATED ANIMALS N O W OR LATELY LIVING IN THE GARDENS OF THE ZOOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF LONDON. Sixth Edition, 1877. This List contains the scientific and vernacular names of all the living Vertebrates in the Society's collection, arranged in systematic order, and forms a complete record of all the specimens that have been exhibited alive in the Society's Gardens during the past fourteen years. The total number of the species is as follows :-Mammals 570, Birds 1224, Reptiles 227, Batrachians 39, Fishes 8 3 ; total 2143. London: LONGMANS & Co.; and at the Society's House, Hanover Square, W . |