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Show •504 MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. [May 7, 1853. JACQUINOT AND PUCHERAN, 'Voyage au Pole Sud'(text). Young of Pt. luteovirens described as Pt. feliciee. 1854. BONAPARTE, in the ' Comptes Rendus.' In a paper contributed to this Journal, Bonaparte divided the then known species of Ptilopus into various genera as follows:- Leucotreron, Cyanotreron, Bhamphiculus, Omeotreron, Kurutreron, Thouarsitreron, Lamprotreron, Lotreron, and Chryscena. These are founded mainly upon the coloration of plumage (a dangerous character (?) always), and in this case not particularly well selected. In the case of Bhamphiculus and Omeotreron, the former is created for the young (!), and the latter for the adult (!), of Ptilopus occipitalis ; and in Cyanotreron is placed the female (?) of Ptilopus superbus, while the male (!) of the same species is made the type of the genus Lamprotreron. In Omeotreron, also, is placed the young of Pt. luteovirens, while the adult is the type of the genus Chrysozna! It does not appear to me necessary, or even advisable, to adopt any of this author's genera for this group. 1854. BONAPARTE, in the 'Comptes Rendus.' The young of Pt. occipitalis \& called Pt. batilda, and Pt. apicalis is first described. Species 32. 1855. DESMURS AND PREVOST, 'Voyage de la Venus.' Pt. mercieri and Pt. temminckii first described. Species 34. 1855. BONAPARTE, in the 'Comptes Rendus.' Pt. leclancheri described as Treroleema leclancheri. Species 35. 1856. GRAY, 'List Birds British Museum.' Among the members of this genus here recorded Pt. greyi is named but not described. Species 36. 1856. GOULD, ' Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London.' Pt. eugemee from the Solomon Islands described. Species 37. 1857. BONAPARTE, 'Conspectus Generum Avium.' In this publication this author made a subfamily of this group, and divided it into the genera proposed by him in the ' Comptes Rendus' three years previously. Pt. xanthogaster, Wagl., is called diademata, after Temminck; Drepanoptila holosericea is placed in the genus Lamprotreron with superba and porphyreus! In Ptilopus are purpuratus, Wagl., as porphyraceus, Forst., ex Tonga- Tabou ; regina, Swains., as swainsoni, Gould; Pt. ewingii, Gould, from Timor, is separated as flavicollis, after Gray ; Pt. coralen-sis, Peale, redescribed as viridissimus; the species ex Vanikoro (!) (errore) called purpuratus, Wagl. [this bird comes from Balaou, not Vanikoro, and was afterwards named bonapartei by Gray] ; Pt. roseicapillus, mercieri, fasciatus, Peale (as clementinee, Hombr. Jacq.); perousii, Peale (as ma rice, Hombr. & Jacq.) ; pulchellus and apicalis. Cyanotreron has cyanovirens (= superbus, Temm., 9) and monachus, Temm. Lotreron contains viridis, Linn., melanocephalus, Gmel., rivoli, Prev. & Knip, iogaster, Temm., and nana, |