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Show 348 MR. P. L. SCLATER ON THE [Mar. 19, 7. D R E P A N I S FLAVA, Bloxham. Drepanis flava, Bloxh. Voy. Blonde, p. 249 ; Dole, Proc. Boston Soc. N. H. xii. p. 298. 525. Male. ~\ 526. Male. „., n x. \. 527. Female. \ Hllo> 0 w h > h e e* 533. Female. J " Eyes black ; stomachs had seeds and insects."-J. M. The females are much less yellowish than the males, especially below. 8. MUNIA NISORIA (Temm.); Walden,Trans. Zool. Soc. viii. p. 73. 543. Male. "Sparrow, introduced; native who shot it said he had never seen one before."-J. M. A n imperfect skin of this species (or of the nearly allied M. punc-tularia), no doubt introduced. Prof. Baird a short time ago sent m e a skin of a young or female of another Eastern Finch from the Sandwich Islands (probably Munia malabarica) for determination; also without doubt introduced. 9. OTUS BRACHYOTUS (Forster). Strix sandwichensis, Bloxam, Voy. Blonde, p. 250. Asio galapagoensis, Cassin, M a m m . et Orn. U.S. Expl. Exp. p. 207. Asio accipitrinus, Sharpe, Cat. B. ii. p. 234. 544. "Male ; eyes yellow ; brought on board alive."-J. M. 10. BUTEO SOLITARIUS. Buteo solitarius, Peale, Zool. U.S. Expl. Exp. Birds, p. 62 (1848). Pandion solitarius, Cassin, M a m m . & Orn. U.S. Expl. Exp. p. 97, Atlas, pl. iv. Polioaetus solitarius, Sharpe, Cat. B. i. p. 452. No. 540. Female. " Eyes browii; cere and legs yellow ; bill black."-/. M. Mr. J. H. Gurney has kindly examined this interesting bird for me (of which two specimens were obtained, but one of them was subsequently lost), and supplied me with the following notes :- " The female Buzzard brought from Owhyhee by the • Challenger' Expedition (No. 540 in that collection) appears to be of the same species, though in a different stage of plumage, as the previously unique specimen from the same island, which is preserved in the Museum of the Academy of Natural Sciences at Philadelphia, and which was described by Peale, in the first edition of the ' Zoology of the United-States Exploring Expedition,' published in 1848, under the name of Buteo solitarius. "In the subsequent edition of this work, published in 1858, and edited by the late Mr. Cassin, the generic name of Buteo, as applied to this species, was dropped, and that of Pandion substituted, with the following remark :-' This bird is strictly a member of a subgenus |