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Show 1878.] 'LIGHTNING' AND 'PORCUPINE' EXPEDITIONS. 407 cimens of T. septata, Terebratella spitzbergensis, and T. (!) frontalis, and of other similarly furnished Brachiopods. Mr. Dall has now redescribed Megerlia jeffreysi in his 'Scientific Results of the Exploration of Alaska' (June 1877, p. 48), and says as to the apophysis " Megerlice sanguinece simillima," the habitat being thus given, " N . E. Atlantic, 155-345 fathoms, Jeffreys, with Waldheimia cranium, Semidi Islands, Port Etches, Dall; Victoria, V. Id, J. Richardson." Mr. Davidson tells m e that Herr Friele was mistaken in saying that the former considered M. jeffreysi the young of Megerlia sanguinea. Now I fear there must have been some mistake about the Atlantic and Pacific specimens. I have no doubt that the shell described last year by Mr. Dall as Megerlia jeffreysi (see Plate XXIII. fig. 3), and which by his permission I have examined, is a perfectly good species of Megerlia, having a distinct septum and the loop three times attached: and I thank him sincerely for the compliment he has paid m e in associating m y name with it. But at the same time I firmly believe that the specimens described by him in 1871 as Frenida jeffreysii and Ismenial jeffreysi belong to a different species and another genus, and that such last-mentioned species was T. cranium. The other specimens which I afterwards sent him, and which had a " rather stout septum," may have been the young of T. septata. Synonyms: Anomia terebratula, L.; Terebratula plicata, Philipp-son ; T. euthyra, Philippi; T. subvitrea and T. glabra, Leach ; and perhaps, in the younger state, Waldheimia davidsoniana of Seguenza. Mr. Davidson in 1853 and 1855 placed Waldheimia as a subgenus of Terebratula ; but in 1861 he raised it to generic rank. 8. TEREBRATULA SEPTATA, Philippi. (Plate XXIII. figs. 1, 1 a, b, c; loop.) T septata, Ph. Moll. Sic. ii. p. 68, t. xviii. fig. 7 (1844). ' Porcupine' Exp., 1869 : St. 23a, 420 f.; 36, 725 f.; 39, 557 f.; 54, 363 f.: 65,345 f.; 67, 64 f.; 68, 75 f.; 74, 203f.; 75,250 f. 1870: 1, 567 f.j 3,690 f.; 6, 358 f. ; 9,539 f. A perfect cast or petrifaction of apparently this species was also dredged by me, with other Tertiary fossils, at Station 24, 292 f., off the Atlantic coast of Spain. Norway, 100-300 f. (Loven and others) ; Shetland, 80-90 f., young, with T. cranium (J. G. J.). A Japanese Brachiopod, Terebratella marice of A. Adams, may be a dwarf variety of the present species, corresponding with the variety minor of T. vitrea. Waldheimia raphaelis of Dall, also from the North Pacific, looks like a gigantic variety of T. septata, the author having kindly permitted myself and Mr. Davidson to compare his specimen of W. raphaelis with some of T. septata, m y largest specimen of which measures an inch and three tenths in length. I cannot detect any distinctive character of importance in Waldheimia jioridana of Pourtales, from the Gulf of Florida, 100-200 fathoms, to separate it specifically from T. septata. He says (Bull. |