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Show 992 MR. M . .JACOBY ON PHYTOPHAGOUS COLEOPTERA. [Dec. 3, Elytra geminate-punctate-striate, fuscous; two large round spots near the scutellum, four others placed transversely, and the apex broadly fiavous, the latter with a small fuscous spot. Length 5 lines. Head minutely punctured, fiat, with an indistinct piceous mark at the vertex; antennre testaceous, slightly thickened towards their apex, terminal joint scarcely longer than broad. Thorax narrow, sides rounded in front, anterior angles scarcely produced; above much more strongly (but not closely) punctured than the head, of a rather indistinct testaceous colour; four spots placed transversely on the disk, the middle ones, which are in shape of two short longitudinal vittre, of a greenish piceous colour. Scutellum testaceous. Elytra slightly broader at the base than the thorax, very convex on the disk, their apex regularly rounded; the surface rather finely punctate-striate, consisting of double rows of punctures, which are more deeply impressed on the disk than at the base or the apex; the Bavous patches on the disk of each elytron arranged as follows, viz. one in the middle of the base, two transversely, of which the outer larger one is placed immediately below the shoulder, the inner one on the middle near the suture, the fourth occupying the apex to nearly a third of the length of the elytra, having its inner margin sinuate, and in its interior a small fuscous square spot. Underside and legs testaceous. Mesosternal spine rather short, slightly curved. Hab. Costa Rica? My collection. Closely approaching in colouring to D. aJstuans, Lin., the species described here is distinguished by its much larger size and by the four spots on the thorax. 21. DORYPHORA DECORATA, sp. nov. Ovate, convex, testaceous. Head with the base, thorax with two vittre black. Elytra geminate-punctate-stl'iate, testaceous, with three transverse metallic green fascire and a longitudinal vitta between the second and third bands. Length 5 f lines. Head minutely punctate, with a shallow transverse depression and an obscure longitudinal groove, testaceous, with an irregular transverse bifurcate patch on the vertex; antennre longer than the thorax. gradually thickened towards the apex, as well as the pal pi, testaceous; apex of mandibulre black. Thorax with a longitudinal depression parallel with the lateral margins, the latter regularly rounded; surface very sparingly but rather deeply punctate, shining testaceous, with two longitudinal black vittre from the apex to the base, slightly curved outwards, and connected at the base by a very nanow band. Scutellum impunctate, testaceous. Elytra regularly geminate-punctatestriate near the suture, more confusedly towards the sides; shining testaceous, the suture, an obliquely placed transverse band from the shoulder to the suture a little below the scutellum (with its posterior margin denticulate and connected by a narrow stripe at the lateral |