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Show 400 DR. GWYN JEFFREYS ON MOLLUSCA OF THE [Apr. 16, cn CD ..H O o D-, OQ «M Q 6 to 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. BRACHIOPODA OF THE EUROPEAN SEAS htning' or orcupine.' .SOPH. Names of species and varieties. Genus VI. TIIECIDEA. B. Imperforate. Family II. RHYNCHONELLID^. Genus I. ATRETIA. gnomon, Jeffr Genus II. RHYNCHONELLA. psittacea (rostrum-psittaci), Ch. ... **Hingeless. Family I. CRANIID.E. Genus CRANIA. Family II. DISCINID^E. Genus DISCINA. atlantica, King -a P H to rS a rt) g "HH *-. u0t** 4_3. a d cS --H 30-300 650-1443 10-690 690 3-808 690-2400 (continued). Localities wbere fossil. Turin ; Sicily. G. Britain and Ireland; Scandinavia; Canada. Sicily. Sicily. Coralline Crag. Two new and remarkable species of Terebratula (viz. T. trigona and T. subquadrata) were dredged by M r . Saville Kent in 1871 off the coast of Portugal; and these species I propose to describe and figure, because m y dredgings in the 'Porcupine' Expedition of 1870 were nearly on the same ground. Mr. Kent's discovery confirms m y previous statement and unchanged impression, that we know very little of the deep-water fauna, and that it is an inexhaustible field of research. Terebratula tenera, from the 'Valorous' Expedition, is also figured. I will notice very briefly the other Brachiopods of the European seas, which were not procured in the ' Lightning ' or ' Porcupine ' Expedition. For the illustrations accompanying this paper, and for other valuable assistance, I a m indebted to m y friend M r . Davidson. |