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Show November 5, 1878 (continued). Page 11. Notes on Myxopoda aurita, Miln.-Edw. By G. E. DOBSON, M.A., M.B., &c 871 12. Notes on recent Additions to the Collection of Chiroptera, in the Museum d'Histoire Naturelle at Paris, with Descriptions of new and rare Species. By G. E. DOBSON, M.A., M.B., &c. f 873 November 19, 1878. Mr. Sclater. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a specimen of Saxicola stapazina killed Lancashire °°* Dr. A. B. Meyer, C.M.Z.S. Letter from, concerning the supposed existence of the Anoa (Anoa depressicornis) in the Philippines 881 Mr. A. D. Bartlett. Letter from, relating to the alleged existence of Anoa depressicornis the Philippines 882 1 On the Classification of the Cervidce, with a Synopsis of the existing Species. By Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart., F.Z.S. (Plate LV.) **» 2 On a new Species of Gazelle from Eastern Africa. By Sir VICTOR BROOKE, Bart, F.Z.(Plate LVI.) J2y 3. Notes on the Anatomy of Indicator major. By A. H. GARROD, M.A., F.R.S, Prosector to the Society 4. Contributions to the Ornithology of'the Philippines.-Nc, XI.On^he Collection>made bv M r A. H. Everett at Zamboanga, in the Island of Mindanao. By ARTHUR, Marquis of TWEEDDALE, F.R.S., President of the Society. (Plates LVII.-LIX.) .. 93b 5. Supplementary Note on the Neotropical Squirrels. By EDWARD R. ALSTON, F.L.S., F.Z.&c " On the Relative Positions to their Constructors of the Chambered Shells of Cephalopods. By Prof. O W E N , C.B., F.R.S., F.Z.S., &c. (Plate LX.) «» December 3, 1878. The Secretary. Report on the additions to the Society's Menagerie in November 1878. (Plate LXI.) Mr. H. Seebohm. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, a large series of skins of the Hooded ^ aud Carrion Crows Col. Irby, F.Z.S. Exhibition of the Nest, Eggs, and Young of Cypselus pallidus 970 Mr. Howard Saunders. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, some Indian Eggs 976 Dr. F. Day, F.Z.S. Exhibition of, and remarks upon, three jaws of Indian Sharks 976 Mr Sclater! Futher remarks on the occurrence of Saxicola stapazina in Lancashire 976 The Secretary. Notice of an error in the last Part of the Society's Proceedings 977 1. Reptiles from Midian collected by Major Burton. By Dr. ALBERT GUNTHER, F.R.S., ^ F.Z.S. (Plate LXII.) 2. On a new Species of Sylvia from Abyssinia, and on some other Abyssinian Sylyians. By ^ H E N R Y SEEBOHM, F.Z.S <• TT „»•* fnrtines Hodgs., Neornis assimilis, Gray, Horeites robustipes, 3. On the Identity of Horornis fortipes *oogs brunnescens Hume. By H E N RY Swinhoe, Horeites pallidus, iirooKs, auu ggo SEEBOHM, F.Z.S Q -Qa n(PbvtoDhaeous Coleoptera from Central and South America. 4. Descriptions of new Species ot Phytopuago ? gg2 By M A R T I N JACOBY < Appendix: List of Additions to the Society's Menagerie during the Year 1878 Ti^page! Lisis of Contributors and their Articles, of Plates, and of Woodcuts in the Volume. |