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Show 22 MR. F. MOORE ON THE LITHOSIID**. [Jan. 15, COSSA BRUNNEA, n. sp. (Plate II. fig- 11 •) Female. Fore wing dark purple-brown, with a small black spot at end of the cell, and a short black streak on the costa near the middle: hind wing paler. Thorax, head, and legs dark brown. Underside with the margins paler. Expanse If inch. Darjiling (Atkinson). In coll. Dr. Staudinger. RANGHANA, n. g. Female. Fore wing verv long, narrow ; costa arched, apex pointed, exterior margin very oblique, angle and posterior margin rounded; subcostal vein five-branched, first branch short, arising immediately above end of the cell, and joining the costal, second and third at equal distance from first, third trifurcate; radial from below subcostal beyond the cell at equal distance between first and second branches ; cell short; discocellulars straight; median vein straight, three-branched, two upper at one third from the exterior margin, lower recurving from below end of the cell ; submedian veins extending to posterior angle. Hind wing long, narrow; subcostal branches at half length beyond the cell ; cell short; discocellulars deeply curved ; median straight, two-branched. Body short. Palpi very short, stout. Legs long, slender; middle and hind tibiae spurred. Antennae setose. RANGHANA PUNCTATA, n. sp. (Plate II. fig. 12.) Female. Pale ochreous-buff colour; fore wing with a marginal and apical series of nine small black spots. Underside paler, without marks. Expanse If inch. Calcutta (Atkinson). In coll. Dr. Staudinger. TEGULATA, Walker. Tegulata, Walk. Journ. Proc. Linn. Soc. 1862, p. 110. Female. Fore wing with a convex protuberance on middle of the costa; apex pointed ; first subcostal branch short, anastomosed to costal, second from angle before end of the cell, third trifurcate, lowest or fifth branch nearest base; discocellulars angled at each end ; radial from upper angle below end of the cell; median vein three-branched, two upper one-third beyond the cell. Type, T. tumida, Walk. I. c, from Borneo. TEGULATA BASISTRIGA, n.sp. (Plate II. fig. 5.) Female. Upperside pale luteous brown : fore wing brightest at the apex, slightly brown-speckled ; a black streak along base of costal edge and along base of posterior margin: hind wing pale brownish fawn-colour externally. Underside darker. Legs brown above. Expanse 1 inch. Ceylon. In coll. Dr. Staudinger. Allied to T. tumida, Walk. |