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Show 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDAE. 903 (y) The inner tine (fig. 3, c) always surpassing the outer tine (fig. 3, b) in length. 11. CERVUS HIPPELAPHUS. 1825. Cervus hippelaphus, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 3) torn. iv. p. 40 ; ib. (ed. 4) torn. vi. p. 77, pl. 166. figs. 31-34. 1839-44. Cervus rusa, Miill. Verh. Nat. Gesch. Ned. Bez. Zool. p. 217, pl. 43, pl. 44. figs. 1-6. Hab. Java, Borneo (introduced). Deer resembling Cervus hippelaphus in every particular excepting size are found in many of the islands in the Indo-Malayan and Austro-Malayan regions. H o w far these are the result of natural distribution, or how far their occurrence is attributable to artificial transportation is now most difficult to decide. The best authorities on the fauna of the East Indies, Wallace, Schlegel, and Miiller, Fig. 3. Cervus (Busa) hippelaphus. are inclined to lean towards the latter alternative; and it is I think certain that the introduction of many of the larger mammals (e. g. Monkeys, Pigs, and Deer) into the islands of the Austro-Malayan region has been effected by the Malays, who, according to Wallace, are much given to taming animals and conveying them from island to island. At the same time, the existence of a species of Felis peculiar to Timor, and of the singular Anoa depressicornis on Celebes, seems to m e to necessitate caution in accepting this solution as of universal application. I shall therefore, for the present, keep the references to Cervus timoriensis of Timor and C. moluccensis distinct. 12. (a) CERVUS TIMORIENSIS. 1822. Cervus timoriensis, Blainv. Journ. de Phys. vol. xciv. p. 267. 1825. peronii, Cuv. Oss. foss. (ed. 3) torn. iv. p. 46. 59* |