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Show 1878.] CLASSIFICATION OF THE CERVIDAE. 925 15. CARIACUS RUFUS. 1817. Cervus rufus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sc. Nat. vol. vii. p. 485. Hab. Surinam. Types, Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, $ ad. (No. in Cat. 532), young (No. in Cat. 527). 16. CARIACUS SIMPLICICORNIS. 1827. Cervus simplicicornis, Ham. Sm., Griff. An. Kingd. vol. v. p. 318. Hab. Brazil (St.-Hilaire, Lcdande), New Granada (Brooke). Types:-Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris, $ (No. 525 in Cat.); skull of same, Mus. d'Anat. Comp. Paris (in Cat. 2208) ; skull of 6 collected by St.-Hilaire, in Mus. Anat. Comp. (in Cat. 2225). 17. CARIACUS RUFINUS. 1851. Cervus rufinus, Puch. Arch, du Mus. p. 491, pl. 30 ; id. Rev. Mag. Zool. 1852, p. 561. Hab. Ecuador (Pucheran), Guatemala (Salvin). Type, cf Mus. d'Hist. Nat. Paris. 18. CARIACUS NEMORIVAGUS. 1817- Cervus nemorivagus, F. Cuv. Diet. Sc. Nat. vol. vii. p. 485. Hab. Surinam. Types, stuffed head of S and skull of same (Cat. 2223), Paris, in Mus. d'Hist. Nat. and Mus. d'Anat. Comp. I append a table of the comparative measurements of the four last-mentioned species. The cranial measurements are taken from adult females. Height at shoulder ... Total length of skull in a straight line ... From anterior rim of orbit to free extremity of prsemaxillaj Length of upper molar and premolar series Greatest width between the orbits, measuring from the C. rufus. Engl. inches. 27 9*2 4*9 2*7 30 metre. 0-685 0*235 0124 0068 0-090 C. simplicicornis. Engl. inches. 21 7-10 3-10 2-3 3*2 metre. 0*535 0*200 0-098 0-058 0-080 C. rufinus. Engl. inches. 19 6-5 33 21 3- metre. 0-485 0-165 0-083 0053 0076 C. nemorivagus. Engl. inches. 19 6*2 31 2 2*7 metre. 0-485 0157 0-078 0050 0*068 From this it will be seen that Cariacus rufus is considerably the largest, and C. nemorivagus the smallest and most delicately formed species. C. rufus is red at all ages, and very heavily built. C. simplicicornis is brown when young, never attains so brilliant a colour as |