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Show 1878.] MR. D. G. ELLIOT ON THE GENUS PTILOPUS. 551 Adult male. Front, crown, lores, moustache, and a spot on the breast greyish blue. Superciliary stripe, chin, and throat, lower part of abdomen, and under tail-coverts lemon-yellow. Rest of plumage of body bright green. Primaries and secondaries black on inner, green on outer webs, edged with white or pale green ; first primary abruptly attenuated at tip. Tail bright green, with a sub-terminal bar of darker green. Bill greenish, tip lighter ; iris dark ; feet red. Total length 7 inches, wing 4, tail 2|, culmen -|. Female differs in having the front and top of head greenish blue, the throat only slightly tinged with yellow, no spot on the breast, rest of plumage like the male but all the colours much duller. 33. PTILOPUS PULCHELLUS. Columba pulchella, Temm. Pl. Col. 564 ; Knip & Prev. Pig. vol. ii. t. 14. La Mignonne, Less. Compl. Buff. torn. iii. Ois. (1837). Ptilonopus pulchellus, Gray, Gen. B. vol. ii. (1844) p. 466. sp. 7 ; id. Cat. M a m m . Birds New Guin. (1859) p. 44; Reich. Tauben, p. 96, pl. 236. fig. 1311 ; Wall. Ibis, 1865, p. 378; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. vol. vii. (1875) pp. 786, 833. Ptilopus pulchellus, Bon. Consp. Gen. Av. vol. ii. p. 22 (1857) ; Schleg. Mus. Pavs-B. 1873, p. 2, Columbce; Salvad. Ann. Mus. Civ. Genov. (1876) vol. ix. p. 198, & vol. x. (1877) p. 158. Hab. New Guinea, Salwatty, Waigiou (Bernstein) ; Mysol (Wallace) ; Amberbaki, Andai (Raffray) ; Monte Epa, New Guinea (D'Albertis). A very brightly coloured and charming little species. From the localities in which it has been procured, we should judge its range was the northern part of N e w Guinea, with some of the islands lying off the west coast. Its synonymy is very simple, the species never having received a second name. Male. Front and crown bright carmine. Sides of head and neck, together with the breast, light grey. Chin, throat, and lores white. A large spot or bar of purplish red on the lower part of the breast. Flanks green. Abdomen orange, shading into deep yellow upon the lower parts and crissum. Under tail-coverts orange. Entire upper parts and back of neck, bright green. Wings green ; primaries and secondaries black on inner webs, green on outer, those of the secondaries edged with yellow; first primary abruptly attenuated at tip. Tail bright green. Bill yellow, tip greenish yellow. Feet dull carmine. Iris orange, paler within. Eyelids yellow. Total length 8 inches, wing 4{, tail 3|, culmen -fa. There is no difference between the sexes in plumage. 34. PTILOPUS MELANOCEPHALUS. Columba melanocephala, Gmel. Syst. Nat. torn. i. p. 781 (I 788) - Temm. Pig. & Gall. torn. i. (1813) p. 263; Horsf. Trans. Linn'. Soc. 1821, vol. xiii. p. 182; Wagl. Syst. Av. (1827) Columba, |